Saturday Weekly Wrap-Up #18

Saturday Wrap-Up GreyWhite

Hey everyone! Today I’m going to be doing a weekly wrap-up. This is my second week in a row doing one, which is pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Hopefully I can keep up and actually start doing these every week. Anyway, let’s gets started with the wrap-up.

What I’ve Read

I finished reading The Copper Gauntlet at the beginning of the week. I gave it 4/5 stars, but I sort of forgot to write a review for it all week. It’s coming on Monday, though.

After that, I took a short break from reading. This morning, though, I started reading Throne of Glass. I’m about 100 pages into it so far, and I’m really enjoying it. Like, a lot. It’s so freaking good and I’m definitely regretting taking so long to start this series.

On The Blog

I’ve been so bad about blogging lately, sorry! The only things I posted were my September Wrap-Up and my October TBR.

In Real Life

This week, I started college applications, so that’s both nerveracking and kinda exciting.

I also started watching Black Mirror. I finished the first season, and I really liked it. There’s only two seasons so far, and only three episodes each, so I’m planning on finishing the second season this weekend. Every episode is completely unrelated to the others, with a new cast, new story, new everything. I’d definitely recommend checking it out (it’s on Netflix).

And school is over! For a week… I’m so relieved.

That’s all for today’s wrap-up! Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a good night!

~ RJ

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