How I Read Tag!

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a tag, and I’ve been sort of feeling like doing one lately. Today I’m going to be doing the How I Read Tag! I was tagged by Joey @ Thoughts and Afterthoughts a couple weeks ago, so I thought I’d finally go ahead and do this. Let’s get started with las preguntas!

1. How did you find out about new books to read?

I definitely rely most on book blogs. Reviews, Top Ten Tuesdays, etc. are all ways that I hear about new books to read. I also get recommendations from my real-life friends or my English teacher. And Booktube as well.

2. How did you get into reading?

I’ve always sort of been a reader, since I was very young. I think it really started, though, in maybe fifth grade or so, when I started reading the Percy Jackson books. Then, in sixth grade I started reading Harry Potter and I haven’t looked back since.

3. How has your taste in books changed as you got older?

Well, it hasn’t really changed much. I’ve always loved fantasy books, and they still make up the majority of what I read today. Though I definitely do read more non-fantasy books (mainly contemporary) than I used to.

4. How often do you buy books?

I really don’t buy books that often, to be honest. And the majority of books I do buy are ebooks. But I’d say I probably on average buy one physical book and three ebooks a month. Probably less, actually.

5. How did you get into book reviewing?

I started watching Booktube videos a couple years ago, which then introduced me into book blogging after that. I just wanted to be able to share my thoughts on books I read. It took me a little while to convince myself that starting to review books would be a good idea, but once I did I loved it.

6. How do you react when you don’t like the end of a book?

It depends on how much I enjoyed the rest of the book. If everything leading up to the ending was enjoyable, I can probably be forgiving and let it slide. But if the book was boring or bad and the ending was even worse, then I’ll probably complain a lot. Either to myself or my friends or in a review. And if it’s an underwhelming ending to a series I enjoy, then I just have to try to get over the disappointment.

7. How often do you take a sneak peek at the ending to see if there is a happy ending?

I’d like to say never, but the answer is honestly more than I’m willing to admit. But, usually, just looking at the last page doesn’t really give too much away. And a lot of the time I don’t really mean to do it; it just happens.

So that’s the How I Read Tag. I’m not going to tag anyone because I’m a terrible person but if you want to do this tag, then consider yourself tagged! Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a good rest of the day!

~ RJ

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